Wednesday, January 30, 2013

six months with this sweet gentle soul. i have grown just as much as him. together we have found a rhythm and life has become more routine. i understand him now in ways i never thought possible. the love i have for him makes my heart swell and scares me all at the same time.


  1. It's so crazy, the intense love for your child is like no other. He's gorgeous x

  2. He is beautiful and those are beautiful photos. So sweet.

  3. So glad your back to blogging!

  4. what a sweet little boy! Those eyes!

  5. Hi! Just checked out your shop - looks great. Thinking of opening a Big Cartel shop as a result.

    Your boy looks darling. Blue eyes and red hair is a winning combo in my book!

  6. wow he's such a little person already! and those cheeks, oh my gosh.

  7. Such a cutie and handsome child. I think everyone wants to be a parent of such a cute baby. The love of the parents can't be measure. When my son was a baby. I usually like to touch his baby foot.

  8. Hi Stephanie, I can feel your feelings. love the chiks of your little one. xo xo
    - Vinnie
